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19-06-2007 21:19 (ссылка)   ·  

Animal planet. Dolphin 

 Once we were on the beach, the whole family. Not a public one, where there is no space to drop an apple, but a little farther away. There are no chairs or umbrellas, but then there is a natural reserve near by if somebody would like to take a nap in a shadow. I was playing with my nephew in waves very close to the shore, when suddenly his eyes opened as wide as plates and he screamed like being injured: "Shark!!!" I also saw a fin, grabbed the child and ran out of water. All the people who were around, jumped up and looked at the approaching fin. It disappeared under water for a second, and then a big dolphin jumped out of a wave! Somebody clapped out of joy. The dolphin swam in circles not far from the shore, and I decided to swim toward him. Got a mask and ran into the sea. My mother screamed after me: "Erica! Come back now!"

    But I didn't listen to her, I was swimming toward the dolphin, the heart was beating like an engine because of a fear and an agitation. I already swam quite far, but the dolphin has disappeared. I got tired, stopped, looking around, but I couldn't see the dolphin anywhere. I felt pity that he got scared and swam away. I begun to rotate around and to slap water with my palms, I saw trainers were doing this in dolphinariums to call for dolphins. No effect. I begun to swim slowly back to the shore, and suddenly a dolphin's head surfaced right in front of me. He came! I almost drown out of fear and joy. Convulsively begun to pull the mask on my eyes, noticing that Nika runs into the water. I dived, looked around in water, and saw a huge dolphin near from me, he swam right under me. His smooth back was shining on the sun. I surfaced, getting some air, and started to slap the water again. The dolphin again showed his head out of water, but now behind me. I squealed and laughed the same time out of joy. Dived after him, trying to pet the smooth back, barely touched, but the dolphin has already slipped off. Nika was approaching, I was screaming to her, choking with words: "Faster, faster, he is here, he is playing with me!!!" When Nika was about two-three meters away, the dolphin jumped out precisely between us. He had a mark in a shape of a letter "P" on his fin. I said to Nika that most probably his name is Rick [rus: "Рик"]. We were diving after him, Nika even managed to hold at his fin for several seconds. We were calling the mother and sister to swim to us, the sister entered waters, but the mother was still uncertain. More people swam closer and we made a big circle. The dolphin was jumping out at the middle of the circle, and, rolling, was falling on the back, creating a fountain of splashes. He obviously liked the people's attention. Even my mother finally swam to us. Then the dolphin disappeared, obviously, got bored of us.

    My cousin said at the evening that a while ago, before the Abkhazian war, this dolphin was living in a dolphinarium, and then escaped. Means, swam away. First times after the escape he was even jumping out of water on shores, showing himself to people, and ate fish off hands. But then fishermen begun to beat him for him tearing nets aparts, and the dolphin stopped to be so trusting. And the letter on the fin, by his version, means "tamed" [rus: "ручной"]. We saw our dolphin later, too. Local businessmen promised a tour on a boat along the shores to tourists, with a live dolphins' encounter. They took a bucket of fish with themselves, and the dolphin knew who was giving him fish, and was doing the whole show, following a familiar boat. Spectators were enthusiastic, they didn't suspect that the dolphin, who was dancing in front of them in the open sea - trained!


Автор: Агент@Mail.Ru МЕМУАРЫ ЛЕСБИЯНКИ, альбом: Блоги

Me, Nika and the dolphin. A photo was taken from the shore, far away. If to enlarge, or to look closer, you can see a back and a fin of a dolphin between us. I'm sorry for the quality, there are no other photos.


Автор: Агент@Mail.Ru МЕМУАРЫ ЛЕСБИЯНКИ, альбом: Блоги


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  Dirty Harry 25-06-2007 13:45 (ссылка)  
Re: Пицунда
красиво написано! интересно, тебе надо в номиции участвовать Лучш. литературный блог:) http://blogs.mail.ru/mail/simona_ekb/#2B8E33C9D3C5D29B

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  МЕМУАРЫ ЛЕСБИЯНКИ 25-06-2007 15:33 (ссылка)  
Re[2]: Пицунда
Спасибо))) Я там участвую)))

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  Dirty Harry 25-06-2007 16:38 (ссылка)  
Re[3]: Пицунда
ну я уже понял, я просто номинации прочитал посде того как написал коммент, ко мне зайдёшь?

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  МЕМУАРЫ ЛЕСБИЯНКИ 26-06-2007 14:33 (ссылка)  
Re[4]: Пицунда

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Dolphin 27-07-2007 21:51 (ссылка)  
Re: Пицунда
Дельфина (точнее - дельфинку, это самка), зовут Пашош. Ну, или звали там, где она родилась. А родилась она в Дельфиньем Рифе, в Израиле. Родители были дельфины, привезенные с Черного моря. Когда Пашош достаточно повзрослела, ее и еще одного дельфина (Шенди) перевезли и выпустили в 2006-м году назад в Черное море. Чтобы их можно было отличить, спинной плавник был помечен латинскими буквами их имен: "P" и "S". На Черном море ее, по моему, переименовали в "Ричи". Ее часто видят вдоль побережья, а Шенди почти сразу уплыл в сторону Турции и о нем ничего не было слышно.

Вот одна из фотографий Пашош в Батуми:

Больше о самой перевозке можно узнать на сайте:

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Анонимно 27-07-2007 21:58 (ссылка)  
Re[2]: Пицунда
выпустили в 2006-м году назад в Черное море

Поправка: в 2004-м году

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